For Loops:
It is a fixed repetition loop. It will run the given number of times no matter how the body o for loop code changes the values of the variables
If you have a constant (Eg. Max Students), you can run the For Loop for that many times. You can change the value of the constant. Every year you can change the value of Max Students.
The counter value increases or decreases depending upon the for loop min, max, incremental or decremented values automatically as stated per requirement- no separate statement is made within the body of for loops.
A separate variable is needed most times to run a For Loop.
When For Loop is started with a high value, we can work decreasing the counter (instead of increasing) every time the body of the For Loop is executed.
While Loop:
While loop can have various conditions and they can be joined(AND OR). The control enters the loop body only when the condition is met. If the condition is not met, the control goes to the statement following the end of the while loop body. A statements with in the while loop changes the criteria and that actually moves the control out and to the statements that are following the end of while loop body.