Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Systems Thinking

A system is the way something works. There are groups that work together to make other groups work and this slowly builds up to be a company or a school. If one of the groups has a problem it effects the system as a whole but if they work together, like they are supposed to, the system can make many things. The cooperation of all groups is really important to the success of the system. In computer science systems is what is behind all of the coding. It organizes everything to make it more convenient for the person coding and faster to use for the user.

Name Card - Mission Reflection

This project was really good because it brought out a lot of your character and personality. I learned how to work together with someone to make a project. If we had more time maybe I would have been able to make mine with more color and ideas. I think that this is a good way to start off the year so everyone learns a bit more about each other.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015


I liked this project because it shows a lot about your personality and what you are interested in.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Design Thinking Process - Define

 I will use...
Color: Red
Hobby: Volleyball, traveling, cross country
Favorite Emoji: laughing emoji
Animal: Bear

I'm gonna write my name in red and have a city landscape in the back. On the top I want an airplane and a volleyball and on the bottom a cross country sign and a teddy bear (because I love stuffed animals and bears). 

Design Thinking - Empathize

Ayla -
Color: Red
Hobby: Volleyball, traveling, cross country
Vacation: Japan, Caribbean
Food: Ice cream
Favorite Emoji: laughing emoji
Animal: Bear
Pet: Bunny

Design Thinking Process

1. Empathize - Empathize is coming up with something that the world wants and needs. You think about what do my costumers want.

2. Define - You come up with a problem that you need to solve. Ask the costumers what they want.

3. Ideate - Come up with ideas to solve that problem and see if your customers like your ideas. Get the feed back from your customers and see what else you need to add.

4. Prototype - You make your first model of your product to see how it works and what needs to be fixed. You also show this first model to your customers to see what they like about it and what they think you should change.

5. Test - You take your finished product and test it to see how it works and fix up anything that could be a problem later.

Hello World